Saturday, December 17, 2016

Continued self care~ Seasonal eating for your most vital and abundant SELF!

Check out today's blog post on my personal blog, The Yogi, the Naturopath and the Babies~

The emphasis is on seasonal foods and the importance of eating highly energetic, plant based diet that accompanies the natural rythym of the seasons.

My husband and I spent four years in graduate and medical school learning about eating to feed your mind, body and soul and heal almost everything that ails you.

Eating well is also an ideal way to be proactive in your health. Preventative steps such as eating mostly plant based foods, high quailty organic and grass fed meats, very low sugar & alcohol intake, and regular exercise can all lead to a lifetime of happiness.

Taking time to relax and unwind from your daily stressors is another step to being your most happy self and living an abundant life, so please take time to do these things for yourself and your family!

Below is the link to those seasonal recipes that have been a big hit at my family holiday dinners, hope you enjoy!

Vegan, GF Seasonal recipes for your holiday table~

Wednesday, November 30, 2016

~Our Mindful Yoga Community~

It's discount time ya'll!!!

We are offering all our kid's yoga products~ books, tees and yoga pants at a discounted rate!

We have promo codes for you brought to you by some of our friendly blogger buds and favorite Instagramers.

Check out our friend, Tara, over at Neat Nutrition and use promo code, NEAT1 
for your discounts on our yoga products.

Our friends on Instagram~  @mindfulnessmatters
know what's up in the midfulness arena and are doing their best at spreading the light. We are offering their readers a discount on our kid's yoga products with code, KIND1

Mindful Children's Books

A super cute children's book about the concept of 'Ahimsa', written by my friend Ally Ford, is available on her website-

Garuda~ The Eagle who soared with Ahimsa

Finally, if you're ready to add more kid's books to your holiday shopping list, head over to FB and visit our friend, Zen Pig Book.   Zen Pig Book Facebook Page

Supporting local authors and businesses during the holiday season is a wonderful way to support your community and give back to those who work hard to share their passions with you.

Friday, November 4, 2016

Toddler Tai Chi & Yoga to boost the Immune System

Cold and flu season is upon us and it struck our household last week. 

Sniffles, scratchy throats and body aches are NO fun and I hate seeing my littles suffer. I tried boosting their immune system previous to Halloween in anticipation of candy consumption. We made bone broth soup, upped the Vitamin D, doubled the fish oil and probiotics, alas to no avail.

So as we are on the mend I've been adding some very gentle Tai Chi and restorative yoga poses to help us get over the humo and get our bodies well again. 

I explain in some detail in the video how exactly this works and I've added a little more content for you. This all comes from my graduate studies in Eastern Medicine in which I was earning my Master's Degree in. I took two semesters of Tai Chi and Qi Gong and I have a deep respect for these ancient practices as I've witnessed first hand their healing effects.

Tai Chi opens the flow of energy to all parts of the body including the organs, nerves, brain muscles and lymphatic system.

Practicing Tai Chi improves the immune system too. During the practice there is a steady, meditative movement and breath that calms the mind and strengthens the body. Researchers believe these gliding movements and controlled breaths combine to fight toxins and disease. They boost the lymphatic system, the body's natural defense, and protect against colds and flus.

Restorative Yoga poses can also help bolster your immunity. The heart opener we did in the video stimulates the thymus gland (primary lymph gland of the immune system) and increases circulation and blood flow in the chest which gets tight and constricts during a cold.

Legs up the wall is a gentle stretch for your legs and low back and can help relieve the achy back that accompanies cold and flu.

Wednesday, October 26, 2016

Yoga Videos for Caregivers

Hello Lovelies!

I've heard your requests for yoga videos and we now have several available on our YouTube page.

Some of the offerings include; Yoga for Stress Relief, Yoga for Lower Back Pain, Healing Diastis Recti, and building Upper Arm Strength.

Here is the link to find all the videos we offer.

Enjoy and Happy Yoga-ing!

Yoga Videos

Tuesday, October 25, 2016

Toddler Yoga Video

We all love yoga and sharing it with our kiddos, but, it can be difficult getting in to the studio for classes. If you're lucky enough to live near a studio that does offer children's classes, that's wonderful. Many of you have expressed to me that there aren't any munchkin classes in your neck of the woods so here is the first of many classes we've put together for you.

Click on the link below to enjoy in the comfort of your own home. Make sure to subscribe to our YouTube channel to keep updated on new postings!

Toddler Yoga Video

Wednesday, October 12, 2016

Yummi Yoga & My Little Yoga Contest Giveaway!!!

We are pleased to announce our first sponsored contest giveaway! Two lucky readers will win a copy of  a 'My Little Yoga' book & a Yummi Yogi cookie cutter for participating!

Check out the contest details on our Facebook Page~


Instagram~  @mylittleyogabook

Thursday, October 6, 2016

Kid's Yoga Clothes now on our Facebook page!

My Little Yoga has kid's yoga clothes up on our Facebook page!

Cute kid's Tees in 4 different styles from 18mos-4T with characters from the book~


Organic cotton yoga pants in both boy's and girl's styles by Satva Living. Sizes 2T-4T.

Super cute and comfy, move so well with your non-stop muchkin!

Friday, September 30, 2016

Busch Gardens & the Baby Sloth ~~~ Lavendar~Berry Chia Pudding

Hellooooo lovelies!

Today I spent the day with my family at Busch Gardens, Tampa Bay. The park is beautifully laid out with lush gardens and award winning animla displays that are appealing to guests while maintaining an enriching habitat for the animals.

We got to visit behind the scenes with two of the educators, Cara and Megan, and they introduced us to one of the park's baby sloths. My daughter was in heaven! One of the characters in 'My Little Yoga' is a sloth and she loves learning this was literally a book coming to life in front of her eyes. Her facial expressions were priceless as she held the sweet, soft little bundle.

If you have the opportunity to visit Busch Gardens, now is the perfect time of year to go! The crowds have died down and the weather is finally starting to take that turn in the better direction. Fall is my favorite time of year at this park.Make sure you head over to Jambo Junction where this adorable cutie lives and check out all the awesome animals here. Often you will find an educator out and about with an animal ambassador or the bird team taking a group of flamingos on a walk. It's quite a sight!

When I got home I needed a recharge. Pushing a 75lb stroller around for 4 hours is a wee bit tiring. So I came home and made myself a chia pudding bowl. I added some frozen berries to cool me down and it was the perfect indugent snack to add some pep to my step for the final stretch of the day which looks something like this---> playing animal doctor, cleaning, drawing pictures/coloring, starting dinner, breaking up fights, writing blogs, preventing meltdowns and filming yoga videos.

Soooo, here's a pic of a few of the ingredients and the finsihed product. Recipe below! Hope you like as much as I did!


  • 2tbsp. Chis seeds
  • 3/4c. soymilk
  • drizzle of raw honey
  • a few blueberries and strawberries
  • coconut flakes
  • lavendar seeds
Spoon 2tbsp. of chia seeds in a bowl and pour soymilk (or other milk chioce) over and let sit for 15min. Mix a few times during this window.
Shake your coconut flakes over the top and add your lavendar seeds. I added about 2tsp. but next time I'll probably do 1-1.5. 
Add in your berries and drizzle with your raw honey. Voila! Your chia pudding bowl is ready.

Remember to follow us on FB & Insta for discount codes on our books and for our new fall kid's yoga clothes collection!!!!


Insta-  @mylittleyogabook

Friday, September 23, 2016

Taking care ~ Self LOVE ~ the importance of a healthy YOU!

Like so many mothers out there, I give WAY more attention, energy, & love to my children than I do myself.

So often I tell myself this is how it should be. Especially in these early, formative years. They need me and all my time more than I need to care for myself. Well, I'm here to say- WRONG. This causes so much mommy burn out is borderline ridiculous.

If this were a relationship and someone saw me giving my all to the other person and never filling up my cup, I'd be called on it immediately. I'm making a big effort to be better about self care and I want to share that with you. The mommy, daddy, grandparent, auntie, or caregiver. Whoever you are that care day in and out for another little human, let's find ways to nurture our mind, body and soul.

I'm going to start offering varioius classes yoga, meditation, Yogalates (Yoga~Pilates fusion), healthy recipes, and ideas for relaxing and rejuvenating yourself.

As the classes are posted I'll share them on my blogs and other social media outlets so make sure to follow me on those so you don't miss out!

Insta- @mylittleyogabook

Today's offering is a healthy spin on an old classic- Red Cabbage Coleslaw.


  • 1/2 head of red cabbage
  • 1/3c. Hellman's Organic Mayo OR Veganaise
  • 1/2c. almonds slices
  • shake of salt
  • shake of garlic powder
  • 1 slice of lemon
  • 1tbsp. red wine vinegar (or ACV)
  • 1tsp of Stevia or Raw Sugar
Cut the 1/2 cabbage head into small pieces and pulse for 5-10 seconds in your food processor until the result is small (size of your pinky nail) pieces of cabbage.

Spoon your cabbage into a bowl and add the mayo, squeeze the lemon and even shake the almonds all over. Sprinkle all the dry ingrediants over cabbage. Stir until thouroughly mixed together and the it's evenly coated with all the yummy goodness.

Enjoy lovelies!!!  

Friday, September 2, 2016

Teaching our kids KINDness.

The summer of 2016 blew by. We had tons of laughs, new adventures, and enough temper tantrums, melt downs and sibling rivalries to last me a lifetime. To say I'm glad that school is in session is a HUGE understatement, lol.

This week has made me appreciate the angels that masquerade as our children's school teachers even more. Tropical storms and Hurricane Hermine (which- can we all agree sounds like a Harry Potter character???) closed our schools for 2 days and left us home bound. All in all this was not a bad thing. We got to sleep in, we did fun homeschool lessons based on the weather, read tons of books, did art projects, scavenger hunts, built forts and bonded with our new pet pig. As I'm sitting here writing, my son walked over and showed me the first family portrait that he drew all by himself- WOW. My heart feels like it's going to explode with joy. However, one hour ago I was breaking up a huge fight all because my son would not let my daughter put her xylophone on his chair. WTH.

Our teachers deal with this kind of craziness for 8 hours a day, 5 days a week. They are grossly underpaid and sometimes treated not so well by students, parents, and their own administration. All because the want to make a difference in our kid's lives. To teach them, help them grow and open their minds to possibility.

What can we do to change this? The biggest difference we can make as parents is to teach our kids kindness. With kindness comes respect and appreciation. Having earnest conversations with your kids about this is an excellent starting point. I've been talking with my kids about this since they were very young, less than 2 years old. While they don't always act in a way that reflects this topic 100% of the time, I do hear them repeat these ideals to each other and their friends on a regular basis.

It is teaching them to be kind to everyone and everything. Each other (not bully and stand up if they see that going on), animals, our earth, parents, teachers and other influential role models. Those who are less fortunate, sick or unable.

Just basic human kindness.

The other thing I try and do for our teachers is offer to volunteer. I go in and help out with events, participate in the Great American Teach In, and go in to read to the class or practice yoga. There is so much we can do by just showing up and it means a huge amount to them. If you are able to give your child's teacher small tokens of appreciation once in a while they are often remembered & cherished for years to come. Books make a thoughtful teacher gift and I offer teachers discounts on our books. I'd like to extend the discount to you if you are looking for a gift for the teacher(s) in your lives.

To purchase visit our Facebook page-

Click the 'Shop Now' button to be directed to our store and enter code- KIND1
For a 10% discount on your order.

Take the time to thank the teachers in your life today!


P.S. Follow us on Instagram @mylittleyogabook !!!

Friday, May 27, 2016

Check out our book and upcoming news.

'My Little Yoga' interactive chidren's yoga book is for sale on both our website and business Facebook page.
We schedule readings at local yoga studios, health and wellness centers, bookstores and boutiques.

We've recently added birthday parties to our offerings and schedule them in the Tampa Bay area.
Follow our FB page for upcoming events including markets, festivals and other local offerings.


Monday, March 21, 2016

Toddler Tai Chi Sequence & Yoga Sun Sequence

African Animal Tai Chi

The Strong Elephant-
Have your child stand with their feet a little more than hip distance apart and a gentle bend in their knees. Interlacing their fingers to form a “trunk” have them slowly sway side to side with their arms hanging down in front of them several times. Then have them bend at the waist and hang their heads and let their trunks drop down gently swaying them in a figure eight pattern on the earth.
The Balancing Crane-
Have your child stand with feet a little more than hip distance apart. On an inhale shift the balance onto the right leg and lift the left knee laterally (out to the side) simultaneously flying the arms up over the head. On the exhale arms and legs float down and you repeat on the other side. Repeat several times, breath guiding their movement.

Toddler Sun Sequence

Have your kids move through the postures while you recite the dialogue;
Have your kids reach their hands as high as they can over their head on an inhale and stand up high on the tippy toes for this variation of Extended Mountain Pose.
Mom- We reach up high to touch the sky.
Have your kids dive down into a forward fold and touch their toes.
Mom- We dive down low to touch our toes.
Have your kids come up to a “half” forward fold with a flat back and their hands on their shins with their gaze forward for half forward fold.
Mom- We come up halfway with a flat back.
Have your kids bend their knees and plant their hands on the ground in a forward fold.
Mom- Then plant your roots nice and strong.
Have your kids lightly jump back into the top of a push up position. Hands are still on ground directly under shoulders and they are up on their tippy toes or their knees can touch the earth.
Mom- And jump back lightly like a ping pong!
Have your kids drop their hips and keep their palms on the ground, arms extending, knees and tops of feet flat on earth for Cobra Pose.
Mom- We drop our hips and make a hiss with our lips.
Then, have your child lift their hips skyward so they bring their bodies into an inverted “V” for Downward Dog.
Mom- Now lift your tail way up high and make a doggie sound.
Next, have your kiddo lift their right leg and bring it in between their hands. Right foot points forward and their left foot is in a 45 degree angle, both heels in line with one another. Have them lift their arms over their heads for Warrior 1 Pose.
Mom- Bring your right in between your hands and be strong like a warrior stands.
Have your kids bring their hands back down by their feet and step the right leg back so they’re in the top of a push-up again. You can go on to the left side or have them transition through Cobra and Downward Dog and then do the left side. Over time and when you both get comfortable with this transition sequence of poses you can add in other postures and have fun creating your own yoga poses! Most importantly, have fun!

Exploration's V Annual Children's Festival ~ April 9th, Lakeland, Fl

Exploration's V Annual Children's Festival


Join 'My Little Yoga' at the annual children's fest for a day of new experiences and celebrating all things children. We will be doing a demonstration on the main stage at 1:30pm. Join us throughout the day for meet and greets and more kiddo yoga fun.

Takes place every April, a unique spring celebration, held in support of the nationally recognized “Week of the Young Child.” Attended by thousands annually, the Children’s Festival draws attention to the importance of enhancing education through playful, interactive learning adventures using the Museum’s exhibits and programs all based in art and science, education and wellness. Volunteers from businesses, schools and organizations provide creative experiences for children to broaden their language, literacy and imaginative development in Munn Park and throughout three floors of the Children’s Museum. This event seeks to engage, inform and unite the community for a day of shared playful learning experiences for children and their families.
The Museum looks to the community and its business leaders to help underwrite the cost of running the festival. In-kind donations are needed to make this event a success.

Wednesday, February 24, 2016

Wheels on the bus Yoga sequence

My daughter loves nursery rhymes. Most toddlers I meet cannot resist a good sing and dance session to one of the classic nursery rhymes. The awesome thing about these tunes is you can pair yoga poses with just about all the words of the song. Here is our version of 'The Wheels on the Bus' with some poses to accompany. Sing the following words and do the movements along with your kiddo.

The wheels on the bus go round and round~

Have your little one sit in a modified boat pose with knees bent and feet flat on the ground. You can lean back slightly to engage of core muscles of the stomach, side and back or simply remain seated upright. Circle your arms round and round to mimic the wheels.
The doors on the bus go open and shut~

Have your little ones sit the same or criss-cross applesauce for a gentle hip stretch. Open your arms very wide. Wide enough so your arms go just behind your back. This will open and stretch the chest and upper back. Bring the hands together for a big clap when you sing the "shut" line of the song.
The windows on the bus go up and down~

For the windows go up verse, have your child stand up tall in Mountain Pose and reach their arms up to the sky. They can stand on their tip toes for a challenge. For the windows go down verse, have them come into a forward fold. Have them reach down and touch their toes. Legs can be straight or have a gentle bend in the knees. Let neck relax so their head hangs down.
The babies on the bus say wa wa wa~

Lie on your back and hold the bottoms of your feet. Your grip can be on the inside or outside of the foot, whichever is more comfy for your kiddo. They can rock side to side too.
The mommies on the bus say "I love you"~

Have your munchkin sit criss-cross applesauce and wrap their arms around their body for a great big hug. This helps stretch their shoulders and upper back muscles. The bigger the hug, the better :)
Hope you enjoy this sequence as much as we do! We would love to see pics of your littles doing 'The Wheels on the Bus' yoga sequence. Visit our Facebook page to share your pics with us:
& to purchase 'My Little Yoga' visit our website:

Tuesday, February 23, 2016

My Little Yoga is online and in the class room!

Our website is up and running. We are able to take orders online and bring the wonderful world of My Little Yoga home to you and your littles.

Today I taught a yoga class to a 3s and 4s preschool group. There were 10 kiddos of all different personality types participating. We spent about 30 minutes doing yoga, singing songs and dancing and doing some simple pranayama (breathing exercises). I was able to talk to their teacher when their day was done and she said the children were more focused, more willing to participate, were happier and got along well more today than they typically do.

Children are changing so much at this time in their lives. They are testing boundaries, exploring their likes and dislikes, forming friendships and discovering how they fit into the world around them. Giving them the opportunity to find a yoga practice, no matter how deep they dive, is a gift that keeps giving. Kids do better academically, socially and physically when they are able to slow down, breathe and take it all in.

This world is overwhelming. We hear about more and more children suffering from stress these days. In my thoughts and the opinion's of many child psychologists a child shouldn't even know what the word stress really means at such a tender age. Giving them the ability to learn how to understand, cope and manage their feelings is an integral part of the developmental process. There are so many ways that we as parents can do this. One of the tools I use with my children is the practice of yoga.

This is not just the practice of the asanas (poses) but the connection to the breath. Introducing them to simple breathing techniques to bring calm and peace. Teaching them to listen to their feelings/emotions and deal with them in healthy ways. The breathing and the movement that come with a steady yoga practice can bring about monumental changes in your child's behavior.

Tomorrow I will post the class that I taught today along with some pictures and videos. Make sure to follow our blog and "Like" us on Facebook so you don't miss out on all the fun. Look forward to hearing from you and seeing pics of your littles practicing yoga too!

Saturday, February 13, 2016

Welcome to 'My Little Yoga' children's book and blog!

Welcome to 'My Little Yoga' children's blog. I am extremely happy to be bringing my love for yoga and children together in an interactive children's book series for babies, toddlers and early education. The first in a series of books that bring yoga from the studio into your home, My Little Yoga, introduces kids to the practice of yoga through the colorful and fun story of Mason Monkey and his Costa Rican jungle friends. The postures are age appropriate, the breath exercise is fun and engaging, and the relaxing postures will be a helpful tool in your child's night time routine.
The book is currently available for purchase on our business Facebook page while we are in the process of building our website.

We are based in the Tampa, St. Pete, & Clearwater areas and do readings at local fairs, children's boutiques and yoga studios. We will be posting updated event information regularly, so please join our blog and join us for one of these fun filled outings.

In addition to readings, we will be posting children's yoga videos, pictures, creative movement exercises, age appropriate breathing techniques, meditation practices, and Tai Chi exercises. I am so pleased to bring this to you and your little monkey.

Peace, love and Namaste!