Monday, March 21, 2016

Toddler Tai Chi Sequence & Yoga Sun Sequence

African Animal Tai Chi

The Strong Elephant-
Have your child stand with their feet a little more than hip distance apart and a gentle bend in their knees. Interlacing their fingers to form a “trunk” have them slowly sway side to side with their arms hanging down in front of them several times. Then have them bend at the waist and hang their heads and let their trunks drop down gently swaying them in a figure eight pattern on the earth.
The Balancing Crane-
Have your child stand with feet a little more than hip distance apart. On an inhale shift the balance onto the right leg and lift the left knee laterally (out to the side) simultaneously flying the arms up over the head. On the exhale arms and legs float down and you repeat on the other side. Repeat several times, breath guiding their movement.

Toddler Sun Sequence

Have your kids move through the postures while you recite the dialogue;
Have your kids reach their hands as high as they can over their head on an inhale and stand up high on the tippy toes for this variation of Extended Mountain Pose.
Mom- We reach up high to touch the sky.
Have your kids dive down into a forward fold and touch their toes.
Mom- We dive down low to touch our toes.
Have your kids come up to a “half” forward fold with a flat back and their hands on their shins with their gaze forward for half forward fold.
Mom- We come up halfway with a flat back.
Have your kids bend their knees and plant their hands on the ground in a forward fold.
Mom- Then plant your roots nice and strong.
Have your kids lightly jump back into the top of a push up position. Hands are still on ground directly under shoulders and they are up on their tippy toes or their knees can touch the earth.
Mom- And jump back lightly like a ping pong!
Have your kids drop their hips and keep their palms on the ground, arms extending, knees and tops of feet flat on earth for Cobra Pose.
Mom- We drop our hips and make a hiss with our lips.
Then, have your child lift their hips skyward so they bring their bodies into an inverted “V” for Downward Dog.
Mom- Now lift your tail way up high and make a doggie sound.
Next, have your kiddo lift their right leg and bring it in between their hands. Right foot points forward and their left foot is in a 45 degree angle, both heels in line with one another. Have them lift their arms over their heads for Warrior 1 Pose.
Mom- Bring your right in between your hands and be strong like a warrior stands.
Have your kids bring their hands back down by their feet and step the right leg back so they’re in the top of a push-up again. You can go on to the left side or have them transition through Cobra and Downward Dog and then do the left side. Over time and when you both get comfortable with this transition sequence of poses you can add in other postures and have fun creating your own yoga poses! Most importantly, have fun!

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