Friday, November 4, 2016

Toddler Tai Chi & Yoga to boost the Immune System

Cold and flu season is upon us and it struck our household last week. 

Sniffles, scratchy throats and body aches are NO fun and I hate seeing my littles suffer. I tried boosting their immune system previous to Halloween in anticipation of candy consumption. We made bone broth soup, upped the Vitamin D, doubled the fish oil and probiotics, alas to no avail.

So as we are on the mend I've been adding some very gentle Tai Chi and restorative yoga poses to help us get over the humo and get our bodies well again. 

I explain in some detail in the video how exactly this works and I've added a little more content for you. This all comes from my graduate studies in Eastern Medicine in which I was earning my Master's Degree in. I took two semesters of Tai Chi and Qi Gong and I have a deep respect for these ancient practices as I've witnessed first hand their healing effects.

Tai Chi opens the flow of energy to all parts of the body including the organs, nerves, brain muscles and lymphatic system.

Practicing Tai Chi improves the immune system too. During the practice there is a steady, meditative movement and breath that calms the mind and strengthens the body. Researchers believe these gliding movements and controlled breaths combine to fight toxins and disease. They boost the lymphatic system, the body's natural defense, and protect against colds and flus.

Restorative Yoga poses can also help bolster your immunity. The heart opener we did in the video stimulates the thymus gland (primary lymph gland of the immune system) and increases circulation and blood flow in the chest which gets tight and constricts during a cold.

Legs up the wall is a gentle stretch for your legs and low back and can help relieve the achy back that accompanies cold and flu.

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