Wednesday, February 24, 2016

Wheels on the bus Yoga sequence

My daughter loves nursery rhymes. Most toddlers I meet cannot resist a good sing and dance session to one of the classic nursery rhymes. The awesome thing about these tunes is you can pair yoga poses with just about all the words of the song. Here is our version of 'The Wheels on the Bus' with some poses to accompany. Sing the following words and do the movements along with your kiddo.

The wheels on the bus go round and round~

Have your little one sit in a modified boat pose with knees bent and feet flat on the ground. You can lean back slightly to engage of core muscles of the stomach, side and back or simply remain seated upright. Circle your arms round and round to mimic the wheels.
The doors on the bus go open and shut~

Have your little ones sit the same or criss-cross applesauce for a gentle hip stretch. Open your arms very wide. Wide enough so your arms go just behind your back. This will open and stretch the chest and upper back. Bring the hands together for a big clap when you sing the "shut" line of the song.
The windows on the bus go up and down~

For the windows go up verse, have your child stand up tall in Mountain Pose and reach their arms up to the sky. They can stand on their tip toes for a challenge. For the windows go down verse, have them come into a forward fold. Have them reach down and touch their toes. Legs can be straight or have a gentle bend in the knees. Let neck relax so their head hangs down.
The babies on the bus say wa wa wa~

Lie on your back and hold the bottoms of your feet. Your grip can be on the inside or outside of the foot, whichever is more comfy for your kiddo. They can rock side to side too.
The mommies on the bus say "I love you"~

Have your munchkin sit criss-cross applesauce and wrap their arms around their body for a great big hug. This helps stretch their shoulders and upper back muscles. The bigger the hug, the better :)
Hope you enjoy this sequence as much as we do! We would love to see pics of your littles doing 'The Wheels on the Bus' yoga sequence. Visit our Facebook page to share your pics with us:
& to purchase 'My Little Yoga' visit our website:

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